

放大字体  缩小字体 2020-05-22 00:52:52  阅读:1578 来源:自媒体作者:清风如我

原标题:马琰 英语阅览教育 “以读促写” 方式之文本解读



以下事例是外研版Book 2, Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines的主课文Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth, 作者尝试着从What,How和Why三个视点来解析文本,希望在文本剖析的过程中,学生能实在感受到杨利伟太空之行带给我国的荣耀,考虑我国航天技术前进和新国际格局构成的联系。


首要,从标题Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth和插图可以精确的看出,文章的主题十分明显,便是我国航天英豪杨利伟的太空之行。文章以新闻体裁的方式,客观的记录了杨利伟乘坐神舟五号航天飞船在内蒙古安全着陆这一我国航天史上的里程碑事情。叙述了杨利伟在太空耗时21.5个小时的所见所闻和全国际对这一事情的情绪。

Step 1. Lead-in(3 mins)(开宗明义——杨利伟和他的太空之行)

1.Show a picture of Yang Liwei and introduce him a little bit.

(Can you say anything about him?) (Yang Liwei is 53 years old, born in Liaoning Province. He is a Lieutenant Colonel and China’s first taikonaut in space. He loves space so much that he has devoted his whole life to it. He is our national hero. Now Let us watch a video about his space travel.)

2.Watch a video about Yang’s space travel.

--How do you feel?(Excited!, proud)

--What do you think of China?( powerful, China has made huge progress in its space technology.

(This is quite an event of 2003! There were millions of pieces of newspaper articles about it. Today we are going to read one of them. Turn to page 43. Can you tell me what you would read first if it is a newspaper article?

How: 文本是口头的仍是书面的,体裁是记叙文、议论文,仍是说明文,这和主题的出现是怎样的联系?文章的结构由哪些部分构成、情节头绪是怎么开展的?言语有什么特色,是否有助于主题的出现?

Step 2 Text Analysis (紧扣文本,使学生清晰新闻标题,副标题的效果和特征,清晰新闻报道的格局,为他们阅览和写作此类文章供给常识储藏。一起,也经过文本,使学生重视到新闻英语用词用句的倾向。)

1.Reading tips for a newspaper article.(6 mins)(新闻标题,副标题的效果和特征)

What would you read first when reading a newspaper article?(headlines) What is the headline? (Subheadings) , We also read the photos.

Now match the three parts with the subheadings within 30 seconds.

Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth

Part 1 Conversations in Space

Part 2 Octorber 16th , 2003

Part 3 Congratulations from around the world

Why do we read them first? (Headlines cover the key points, Subheadings give the headline a further explanation for the time, result, or background. Reading photos is direct and helps the readers understand the headline easily.)

Let’s talk more about the features of headlines and subheadings.

Good headlines and subheadings do two things. ( to cover the key points, to attract the readers’ attention) 1. To cover the key points, they apply content words and phrases. Like Chinese, Taiknaut, back and Earth in the headline. They also use phrases to convey the meaning. 2.To attract the readers’ attention, the headlines should be word-limited. 3 to 6 words will be fine. So The function words and articles often get cut off. (like ”is” and “the” in Chinese Taikonaut is Back on the Earth). Then, present tenses are used to interest the readers even it is talking about the past. Also, rhyme the words to make a headline sound musical, like Chinese and Taikonaut, Chi rhymes with Tai.

Of course there are much more features of the headlines to talk about. But in this period we can only cover so much.

2. Read part 1 and answer the following questions.( 3 mins)(新闻报道的要素5Ws 和1H)

Where did Yang Liwei land? Inner Mongolia

What was the name of the capsule? The Shenzhou V capsule

Where did Yang take off from? Jiuquan in northwest China

How many years have astronauts spent in space in total in 2003? 73 years

What number is China among the nations that can send a man into space? How about the other two? The third nation, Russia and America


3.Skim Part 2 for 1 minute and fill in the conversations.( 3 mins) (言外之意处处透漏着航天事业的巨大前进,表现了中华民族的才智和联合,证明了我国将作为国际不可或缺的一员,为人类共同体做出自己的奉献)

---When traveling in space, Yang spoke to two satronauts, they were…(American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko)

----What did Lu say to Yang ? His parents were born in China. He is closely connected with China. It seems that we all have something in common.

Russian cosmonaut said“I am glad there is somebody else in space with us. It’s great work by thousands and thousands of people from China.”

(Now If you were Yang, what would you say to the two astronauts? hello, family.I am I am glad to protect our home with you. We have one common home, the earth)

4.Read part 3 and fill in the table.(2 mins)(我国航天事业前进对国际的奉献)

Congratulations from around the world

Who they were What they said

SeanO’keefe from NASA Yang’s space flight was …and NASA wishes China…

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Anna A step forward for the whole world

NASA wishes China continuing success with its space flight programme. Did we? Yes, we did. ( shenzhou 7,zhai zhigang, Jing Haipeng, Liuyang….)

5.Talk about the structure of news articles.(show the pyramid)(3 mins)(发掘新闻体裁特色,着重文体为内容服务)

The structure of news articles looks like an inverted pyramid.

Using the inverted pyramid means starting with the most important information, then giving the less important information and so on.

News articles start with a lead-the first 1-2 sentences that summarizes the article and covers the key information. The Lead answers the 5 w-questions and 1-H question. so pay more attention to the lead if you only want to catch the main idea.)

Step 3 Knowledge Practice

1.Make a dialogue between Yang and a reporter based on part 1.

2.Do you like the headlines, why or why not?

A: China: the Next Space Superpower

B:Don’t count the days, Make the days count

C:Shiyan: Watch Me Better(B和C两个标题针对同一事情,百日誓师大会)

Step 4 Critical Thinking (Work in groups)(阅览深层完成后,学生们情不自禁的情感喷薄欲出)

Do you think China, our country, should continue with its space programme?

Totally agree Strongly against It depends


You can refer to:

1.I couldn’t agree more that China…because…

2.I think China …The reason why … is that…

3.In my opinion, …

4.on one hand…, on the other hand…

Step 5 Summary and Homework

1. summarize the class

2. Find news about China’s space flight programme, read it and tell about it next class. Pay attention to the features of newspaper article.

